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Infor Factory Track for M3 CloudSuite: An ICCG Master Class

Posted by Harriet Schneider on Mar 24, 2021 3:30:16 PM

Put the Power of Infor CloudSuite M3 ERP Solution in Your Pocket

Leveraging Infor CloudSuite M3 ERP Solution and Infor Factory Track to Increase efficiencies in your warehouse and shop floor

Join ICCG as we present a 30-minute Master Class … where you will have the opportunity to see a demo of Infor Factory Track in action. You’ll gain valuable insight from our work with multiple customers and we are ready to share our knowledge with you.

Maybe you are curious on what it takes to implement, administrate functions, or compare Lawson Warehouse Mobility, and Infor Factory Track. Bring your questions because now is the time to implement this Cloud-Based WMS and shop floor tool and we would like to help you get there!

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Topics: ERP, Manufacturing, Distribution, Rentals & Equipment, Infor M3, Supply Chain, Fashion & Apparel, M3, M3 Inventory, Infor M3 ERP, Enterprise Software, Retail Supply Chain, WMS, Supply Chain Management

A Personal Invitation From Sean Conner VP Industry Solution Consulting

Posted by Harriet Schneider on Mar 4, 2021 8:00:00 AM
Join Sean Conner, ICCG VP of Industry Solution Consulting on Wednesday, March 17th at 1 PM CST, as he presents a Master Class Live to show you how to "Put the Power of Infor CloudSuite M3 ERP Solution in Your Pocket."

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Sean has had the opportunity to experience CloudSuite on multiple levels over the last 15+ years. He has used the system first-hand as an end user, configured multiple instances as an implementation consultant, and led acquisition implementation teams as the CIO for a $300M distribution company with 23 branches. He has also leveraged the CloudSuite platform within multiple organizations to increase efficiencies and provide innovated solutions to their current real-world challenges within the Manufacturing, Chemical, F&B, Distribution, and Fashion industries. 

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Topics: ERP, Manufacturing, Distribution, Rentals & Equipment, Supply Chain, Fashion & Apparel, Infor M3 ERP, Enterprise Software, Retail Supply Chain, WMS, Supply Chain Management, Factory Track

Three Ways The World Of Work Has Improved Due To The Pandemic

Posted by Harriet Schneider on Feb 25, 2021 9:30:00 AM

While it would be easy to reflect on 2020 as a disastrous dumpster fire of a year, the reality is that the pandemic has changed the workplace for the better. And many of these modifications are likely to be permanent. This is undoubtedly difficult to appreciate from our current vantagepoint, but by the end of 2021 we will likely witness the seeds sown during the crisis begin to bear sustainable fruit. In fact, you can already observe alterations that have had almost universal impact regardless of industry or geography.

Redefining workplace norms

The last 50 years of work have been defined by predictable patterns involving who is doing the work, where it occurs and when it happens. While these standards have been impacted by technological advancements, demographic shifts and emerging social norms, COVID-19 has accelerated the arrival of new ways of working. While most organizations initially resisted the inevitable reforms that accompanied the crisis, virtually all of them eventually accepted that work can be done anywhere, anytime and by almost anyone.

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Topics: ERP, Manufacturing, Food & Beverage, Distribution, Rentals & Equipment, Supply Chain, Fashion & Apparel, Infor M3 ERP, Enterprise Software, Retail Supply Chain, WMS, Supply Chain Management

A Game Plan For Digital Transformation In Equipment And Rental Firms

Posted by Harriet Schneider on Apr 16, 2019 8:00:00 AM

Meeting customer expectations is harder than ever today. The bar has been raised. Many leaders in the equipment and rental business recognize that technology can help, but don’t necessarily know how to get started—so they don’t. In this paper, we break down the process into an easy-to-follow, step-by-step guide to help you integrate technology into every aspect of your dealership or rental firm. We can’t tell you what your strategy should be, but we can give you a game plan to help you get ready for the new digital economy you’re competing in.

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Topics: Digital Transformation, Rentals & Equipment, Supply Chain

Seven Steps Toward Cloud Deployment For Equipment Rental Organizations

Posted by Harriet Schneider on Apr 11, 2019 8:00:00 AM


Where does your company stand in this continually evolving landscape of steep market challenges and emerging opportunities? Are challenges, like managing your rental fleet, suppliers, and customers across multiple markets, along with global competition, keeping you from reaching your goals? Are market drivers threatening your revenue and profitability? Perhaps you recognize that your current rental ERP solution is outdated and needs to be replaced, but capital constraints are causing you to hesitate.
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Topics: Digital Transformation, Rentals & Equipment, Supply Chain, CloudSuite Equipment Rental

Checklist For A Successful Digital Transformation For Equipment-Centric Companies

Posted by Harriet Schneider on Apr 9, 2019 8:00:00 AM


Companies in the equipment industry, from OEMs and dealers to rental companies and service providers, are eager to jumpstart growth. Many are embracing modernization and adopting digital strategies. New technologies offer exciting ways to leverage sensor data, engage with customers, and automate processes. New ways of looking at products and the supply chain are transforming how we do business. 
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Topics: Digital Transformation, Rentals & Equipment, Supply Chain

The Changing Role Of The CFO

Posted by Harriet Schneider on Oct 11, 2018 8:00:00 AM

By Nick Castellina, Director of Industry & Solution Strategy at Infor®.

The Chief Financial Officer (CFO) has been mistakenly stereotyped as a back-office miser, worried about only one thing: the company’s bottom-line. CFOs have often been frugal, protecting the company’s wallet with an unwavering vow to be prepared for the proverbial rainy day. At least, that is the old-school notion.

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Topics: Manufacturing, Food & Beverage, Rentals & Equipment, Fashion & Apparel, Industrial Manufacturing, CFO

The 10 Coolest CEOs In Enterprise Resource Planning

Posted by Harriet Schneider on Aug 16, 2018 8:00:00 AM


The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) is the highest-ranked executive in a company. The CEO has many responsibilities, ranging from setting strategy and direction to configuring the company’s culture, values and behavior. The chief executive is also responsible for building an executive leadership team and allocating funds to match the company’s goals and priorities. Some CEOs have even more on their plate, especially those at the head of startups. Oftentimes they are responsible for more than just the traditional duties, and can include anything from brewing coffee to marketing their product. 

The list, compiled by ERP's Solution Review, includes Infor CEO, Charles Phillips.

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Topics: ERP, Manufacturing, Fashion & Retail, Food & Beverage, Distribution, Rentals & Equipment, Enterprise Resource Planning, CEO

What Does Agility Mean In The Era Of Digital Disruption?

Posted by Harriet Schneider on Aug 9, 2018 8:00:00 AM


Digital disruption is the new normal. And, as part of their digitalization journey, manufacturers now have a whole spectrum of modern tools to embrace. Greater agility is often touted as one of the important benefits of these digital tactics. Greater speed is a coveted prize, sought after by manufacturers since the era of Henry Ford’s assembly line.

Now, though, responding to change with lightning fast reflexes is not enough. Manufacturers must anticipate future trends and strive to predict customer demands before the customer even has acknowledged the need. Being the first in a market pace is often the key to owning it.

So, having a view of tomorrow is now more important than ever. Today we call it predictive algorithms and data science. We strive to speed product releases and adopt new features as quickly possible. Accelerating speed in one department drives the need for acceleration in other departments. The continuous rush of change, when not controlled, can start to resemble a hamster spinning in its wheel—but getting nowhere. Without meaningful objectives, speed for the sake of speed starts to become fruitless.

As manufacturers undertake digital initiatives, they should pause and consider the ongoing quest for speed and understand its true value. It’s important to be cautious about blind, over-emphasis. Speed has its risks, from higher levels of errors, quality issues, and a workforce that isn’t trained on new policies or processes. There is a fine line between efficient decision-making and rash, knee-jerk responses which can take a company down circuitous routes, far from the prime objectives. In fact, some would contend that reactionary measures lacking cost analysis and thorough financial impact study are simply reflexes, with a 50-50 chance of being right or wrong.

How did we get here?

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Topics: Digital Transformation, Manufacturing, Food & Beverage, Rentals & Equipment, Fashion & Apparel, digital disruption

The Impact Of Communication – Telling The Digital Transformation Story

Posted by Harriet Schneider on Jul 24, 2018 8:00:00 AM


By Carol Fitzgerald Tyler
Global Senior Practice Director, Organization Change Management | Infor

Challenging though it may be to create a vision that will transform an organization, it is crucial to effectively spread the message of digital innovation. Communication is often cited as the number one challenge for business transformation and change management. A strong communications strategy can lead an organization to a successful transform.  Leaders can encourage teams to innovate by communicating both the organizational vision and the acceptance of occasional failure. Companies with a clear vision are on average more effective in their efforts, and as a result, more profitable.

A strong communications strategy can lead an organization to a successful transform...

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Topics: Digital Transformation, Manufacturing, Food & Beverage, Rentals & Equipment, Fashion & Apparel, Change Management

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