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Part 2: Major Trends Impacting The Food & Beverage Industry

Posted by Harriet Schneider on May 3, 2024 2:42:34 PM

Part 2: Navigating High Inflation and Interest Rates in the Food & Beverage Industry

Inflation and interest rates are casting a significant shadow over the food and beverage industry, profoundly impacting various aspects of operations. Prices for ingredients, packaging, energy, transportation, and labor have surged, translating into higher consumer prices. As a result, consumers are shifting towards lower-priced alternatives, posing challenges for manufacturers. Those equipped with robust insights and cost agility are weathering the storm better, while others grapple with shrinking margins.

Amidst this economic turbulence, regulators have responded by significantly increasing interest rates to curb inflation. However, this move has further strained smaller businesses and startups, grappling with the high cost of capital. Consequently, the industry landscape is witnessing a scenario where larger enterprises dominate, consuming smaller players struggling to stay afloat.


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Topics: Food & Beverage, PLM, Infor Optiva, CloudSuite Food & Beverage, CloudSuite PLM, Infor PLM, Infor Partner, Food & Beverage PLM, Infor PLM for Process

Blog Series: Major Trends Impacting The Food & Beverage Industry

Posted by Harriet Schneider on Apr 25, 2024 9:00:00 AM

Part 1: The Adoption of Technology in Food & Beverage

In today's rapidly evolving food and beverage industry, adopting technology is not just a choice but a necessity for businesses aiming to stay competitive and efficient. From AI and machine learning to enterprise automation and IoT, technological advancements are reshaping how companies operate, engage with customers, and manage their supply chains.

The Role of Technology in Business Transformation

Leading food & beverage sector businesses embrace a digital-first approach to drive growth and streamline operations. This includes leveraging technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), generative AI, enterprise automation, IoT (Internet of Things), and Industry 4.0 solutions to enhance productivity, optimize processes, and deliver superior customer experiences.

Partner Spotlight: Info's OS Technology Platform

Our partner, Infor, with its innovative OS technology platform, is at the forefront of this technological revolution. Info has been instrumental in helping food & beverage businesses harness the power of cutting-edge technologies to unlock new opportunities and overcome operational challenges.

How Info is Empowering Businesses

Infor's OS technology platform offers tailored solutions designed to meet the specific needs of food and beverage companies. By leveraging AI and machine learning, Info enables businesses to analyze vast amounts of data in real time, gaining actionable insights to optimize production, predict demand, and enhance supply chain efficiency.


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Topics: Food & Beverage, PLM, Infor Optiva, CloudSuite Food & Beverage, CloudSuite PLM, Infor PLM, Infor Partner, Food & Beverage PLM, Infor PLM for Process

How Product LifeCycle Management System Helps R&D Department Function

Posted by Harriet Schneider on Feb 16, 2024 8:00:00 AM

By Christine Dominski, ICCG Senior Business Consultant

Do you find yourself searching for Information through multiple Excel files? How about Teams or SharePoint sites? Do you struggle with managing approvals or reviews?

Maybe it is time for a Product Life Cycle Management System (PLM).

Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) is the process by which Research and Development innovate new products and manage quality throughout the product lifecycle to ensure the highest level of consumer satisfaction and shareholder value.

PLM systems wrap around Business Strategies and Product Portfolios to help coordinate information and collaboration across an organization. The process of generating product ideas, all the way to product retirement, can be managed in a PLM system. Manage Suppliers, Items (ingredients), Formulas (recipes), Label and Project information, all in one place. Record approvals at every step of the way to provide audit trails.

Product Lifecycle Management affords the peace of mind that all data is managed and reported as required by your organization. A PLM system allows you to control User access to the information as needed for your business success. Integration with ERP systems and a data lake are available. Use the data lake to feed E-Commerce initiates or other internal systems used for reporting.

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Topics: Food & Beverage, PLM, Infor Optiva, CloudSuite Food & Beverage, CloudSuite PLM, Infor PLM, Infor Partner, R&D, Food & Beverage PLM, Infor PLM for Process

Why PLM?

Posted by Harriet Schneider on Feb 2, 2024 8:00:00 AM

By Christine Dominski, ICCG Senior Business Consultant

Have you ever wondered if a Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) system is right for your business? Is the Business Value unclear? No matter the size of your business, a Product Lifecycle Management system can provide insights and discipline to a Company's process. Let’s provide clarity on the business value.

Standardize Business Processes – By understanding what makes your business tick, you can standardize the processes in a system to maximize efficiency. Once you maximize efficiency, you can realize a quicker time to market with new approval processes tailored to your needs.

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Topics: Food & Beverage, PLM, Infor Optiva, CloudSuite Food & Beverage, CloudSuite PLM, Infor PLM, Infor Partner, R&D, Food & Beverage PLM, Infor PLM for Process

5 Reasons Infor CloudSuite PLM For Process Completes Your ERP Solution

Posted by Harriet Schneider on Jan 23, 2020 8:00:00 AM

As robust and far-reaching as ERP solutions can be, it's simply not feasible to think that they can be all-encompassing, providing complete business functionality for every aspect of an organization. The simple truth is that all ERP solutions have gaps in specialized areas such as product lifecycle management (PLM). Successful companies know that it's best to close these gaps with focused, industry-specific solutions that address the unique aspects of their business.

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Topics: Food & Beverage, Infor M3, PLM, Infor Optiva, CloudSuite Food & Beverage

O Canada: Why McDonald’s, Tim Hortons And Starbucks Are Testing New Food Items Up North

Posted by Michael Lea on Oct 22, 2019 8:00:00 AM

Of course, the renewed and now emphatically changing world of Farm-to-Table is upon us and growing in popularity at rapid speed. I do find it all so very interesting because many years ago I did work with Gardenburger (in Portland, OR) prior to Kellogg’s purchasing them. 

Morningstar Farms were popular items (and still are today) but also were products that were sold primarily to vegans or vegetarians and often sold at local organic food co-ops or whole food markets (or similar). Might be a stretch analogy but let’s recall that decades ago major automobile companies were making electric cars but in similar terms the renewed and recent popularity can be directed at Tesla. Beyond meat and Impossible foods (and many others to come) will also need to be certain they can support the new demand so that they are not like Popeye’s chicken franchises that gained major popularity with their chicken sandwiches but had a complete failure with keeping up with the demand (failed supply chain).

As to the article, I think that the following words really show how McDonald's and others are afraid of falling behind, but also somewhat skeptical about whether this growth vertical will continue. Let alone, let’s be frank, McDonald's has never been the first to initiate or ingratiate itself to healthy menu items (and lifestyle-consumer) choices.

The experiment shows that the company has paid attention to consumers’ growing interest in plant-based burgers.

However, the P.L.T. is not vegan.

The stakes are smaller. If McDonald’s P.L.T. is a flop, it can quickly pull it from the market and go back to the drawing board.

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Topics: Food & Beverage, Infor M3, PLM, Infor Optiva, CloudSuite Food & Beverage

A Fresh Look At Bringing Product Innovation To Market.

Posted by Harriet Schneider on Sep 26, 2019 8:00:00 AM

At a recent Infor webinar they discussed the importance of new and revised products to a food company’s revenue and bottom-line growth. Successful product innovation, though, has never been more complex as consumers’, customers’ and regulators’ expectations continue to evolve and expand. And this is not just a challenge for your R&D department. It expands across all disciplines from procurement to production to marketing.

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Topics: Food & Beverage, Infor M3, Infor Optiva, CloudSuite Food & Beverage

Infor CloudSuite Food & Beverage

Posted by Harriet Schneider on Sep 17, 2019 8:00:00 AM

M3 Food & Beverage is a comprehensive ERP solution designed to help food and beverage companies respond to changes in customer demands, manage their global supply chains, plan for seasonality, and reduce waste. 

Infor M3 Food & Beverage is the industry's most complete solution dedicated to solving the unique challenges of the food industry, including shelf-life, yield; reverse bill of materials, attribute management, grower accounting, and comprehensive asset management.

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Topics: Food & Beverage, Infor M3, PLM, Infor Optiva, CloudSuite Food & Beverage

How Infor Food & Beverage Facilitates FSMA Compliance

Posted by Harriet Schneider on Sep 10, 2019 8:00:00 AM

The FDA Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) requires that food and beverage companies take a more proactive approach to food safety. This is a shift from the more reactive approach that food and beverage companies have historically followed. With FSMA in place, companies must identify risks, create procedures for mitigating hazards, and execute against those procedures to ensure all threats to the safety of the food supply chain are contained, as well as demonstrate that their programs are valid and that they are continually being improved upon.

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Topics: Food & Beverage, Infor M3, Infor Optiva, FSMA

Infor Food & Beverage For The Meat And Poultry Industry

Posted by Harriet Schneider on Sep 5, 2019 8:00:00 AM

Today's consumers are better informed than ever before. As a protein producer, you must make cost-effective decisions about how you offer quality food -- before the first cut is made. To meet consumer demands, you must process meat and poultry in a manner that is ethical, humane, and efficient. With Infor Food & Beverage for the meat and poultry industry, you get the most powerful, purpose-built, and complete suite of solutions developed specifically for meat and poultry manufacturers so you can do just that.

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Topics: Food & Beverage, Infor M3, Infor Optiva, CloudSuite Food & Beverage

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