Your Current ERP May Not Be So Current!
True, MRP calculations, Inventory Control, Finance, and Operations Management are not exactly new concepts. And yet Digital Transformation is said to impact every industry – so does Digital Transformation impact manufacturing? What does Digital Transformation even mean for manufacturers?
There are lessons to be learned from Amazon, Uber and Apple. Just ask the retailers, transportation and telecommunication companies that have been left behind.
If you are not expanding the reach of your ERP to impact your customer experience, your competitors are.
In this webinar you will learn how your ERP can become the self-service portal that customers demand, how mobile applications will improve the efficiency of your employees, how to sell more with an Omnichannel strategy based on the ERP and even how Artificial Intelligence now plays a role in speed and decision making.
What motivates top manufacturers to make the choice to purchase, replace, or upgrade their Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) solution may surprise you. Learn how to lead the your company with Digital Transformation, before becoming victim to Digital Disruption.