Work smarter, faster, and better with our ERP solutions – trusted by thousands of customers in hundreds of countries. Purpose built to meet the needs of manufacturers and distributors in a wide variety of industries, these solutions can help you minimize costly customizations and take advantage of continuous innovation.
Topics: ERP, Manufacturing, Enterprise Resource Planning
Driving Digital Transformation With Data Science
Immense amounts of data are flowing into and out of today’s businesses, but it's often difficult to know how to turn this data into actionable insights. Data science has incredible potential for businesses of all types to create models that find patterns in this data and use them as the basis for transformative software. From location sensor data and customer loyalty programs to predictive analytics that improve the customer experience, employee engagement, and operational efficiency, a world of possibility awaits organizations that can crack the data science code.
Topics: Digital Transformation, Manufacturing, Fashion & Retail, Food & Beverage, Distribution, Chemical, Equipment, Digital Strategy, digital disruption
To Our Veterans With Respect. Honor. Gratitude.
Thank You For Your Service, Protection, And Support.
"As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them."
-- John F. Kennedy
Topics: Veterans Day
In the current hypercompetitive business environment, it’s not enough to automate processes and increase efficiency. To succeed, companies need to differentiate themselves from their competitors. But with the growth of digitally savvy customers who expect more from every transaction, it’s becoming increasingly difficult to differentiate on product alone. Customers are demanding a more personal, service-oriented approach from the companies with which they do business, and the bar continues to be reset at higher and higher levels. To meet this demand, and stay competitive, companies need to move from a transaction-based model to more value-based interactions. This means putting the experience first.
Topics: Digital Transformation, Manufacturing, Fashion & Retail, Food & Beverage, Distribution, Chemical, Equipment, Digital Strategy, digital disruption
Making Digital Transformation Part Of Your DNA
Digital transformation is on the tip of many tongues in the technology industry of late; but like many potentially seismic shifts, this concept’s meaning and the impact it will have on how day-to-day business gets done are taking some time to develop. CIO defines digital transformation as “the acceleration of business activities, processes, competencies, and models to fully leverage the changes and opportunities of digital technologies and their impact in a strategic and prioritized way.” But more than just acceleration, digital transformation is about the need for businesses to outpace digital disruption and stay competitive in a rapidly evolving business environment.
Topics: Digital Transformation, Manufacturing, Fashion & Retail, Food & Beverage, Distribution, Chemical, Equipment, Digital Strategy, digital disruption
Prioritizing Digital Transformation Opportunities
Regardless of industry, market, and geography, nearly every business on the globe has been touched by technological change. And these ongoing, and often unexpected, disruptions are impacting how business is conducted. For example, the World Economic Forum states, “It used to take Fortune 500 companies an average of 20 years to reach a billion dollar valuation; today’s digital start-ups are getting there in four.”
While increased competition is a powerful motivator for embracing digital transformation, so are the potential revenue opportunities. The World Economic Forum estimates that “the combined value—to society and industry—of digital transformation across industries is upwards of $100 trillion over the next 10 years.”
Topics: Manufacturing, Fashion & Retail, Food & Beverage, Distribution, Chemical, Equipment
In this episode, we’re joined by IHL analysts Kelly Sayre and Jerry Sheldon to discuss the ongoing sensationalism of the so-called death of retail – and why it’s simply not true.
Topics: Fashion & Retail, Fashion & Apparel, retail software
Infor® LX is an ERP solution that offers deep industry functionality and flexibility to help you adapt to new manufacturing trends and industry changes.
Infor LX is a comprehensive, flexible and advanced enterprise resource planning (ERP) solution for mixed mode and process manufacturers that operate with an IBM System i environment (formerly AS / 400 or iSeries). This solution improves the efficiency of the main business processes, including manufacturing, logistics, channel management, customer relations, relations with suppliers and financial management. With Infor LX, companies can improve their efficiency, agility, sustainability and profitability by improving their ability to manage variable demand and adapt to changing market conditions.
Why should you invest in this technology?
Topics: Manufacturing, Food & Beverage, Industrial Manufacturing, Chemical & Life Sciences, Consumer Packaged Goods
Why Digital Transformation Depends On Workforce Transformation.
Digital transformation is one of the most urgently discussed topics in business today. CIO defines it as “the acceleration of business activities, processes, competencies, and models to fully leverage the changes and opportunities of digital technologies and their impact in a strategic and prioritized way.” But more than just acceleration, digital transformation is about the need for businesses to outpace digital disruption and stay competitive in a rapidly evolving business environment. Even though different people might offer alternate definitions, few disagree with the idea that digital transformation is essential to the survival of most businesses today.
Topics: Digital Transformation, digital technology
In a perfect world, functionality and ease of use would be the top criteria manufacturers use when deciding to purchase, replace, or upgrade their Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) solution. Unfortunately, in the real world, cost considerations rear their ugly head. Business leaders are concerned about the price of not only purchasing the solution, but also how much it will cost to implement, support, and maintain. Further, there is significant concern that an ERP implementation will cause significant disruption to the business, cause the organization to lose focus, or even “break” business processes that the company looked upon as core to their success.
Topics: Manufacturing, Fashion & Retail, Food & Beverage, Retail, Life Sciences, Industrial Manufacturing, Automotive