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Embracing The Retail Revolution - Step #1

Posted by Harriet Schneider on Jul 14, 2020 8:00:00 AM

Creating supply chain resiliency through more precise demand prediction.

An accurate demand prediction is one of the most critical elements of a resilient supply chain. When catastrophic events occur that can cause a massive shift in consumer behavior, retailers of all shapes and sizes are suddenly scrambling to adjust their forecasts. With the pandemic potentially forcing new or extended “shelter in place” orders, people will continue turning to new methods of receiving groceries, clothing, and other consumer products.

As we see different parts of the country and globe beginning to reopen, it’s possible many of these shopping behaviors may stick as people opt for less dining out due to new grocery shopping trends: pantry loading, working remotely, willingness to try private label, and a shift to new fulfillment channels.

As inventory levels drastically fluctuate, many shoppers have settled for what they (or their personalized shopper) can find, ultimately throwing brand loyalty out the window for cheaper brands, private labels, or store brands. Consumers have opted for new buying channels as well, ordering online and having groceries delivered. If the ease of these channels stick, it’s possible to see a long-term shift.

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Topics: Fashion & Retail, Retail, Supply Chain, PLM, Fashion & Apparel, CloudSuite Retail, Retail Supply Chain

Supply Chain Management: What’s Next For Food and Beverage — Part One

Posted by Harriet Schneider on Jun 23, 2020 8:00:00 AM

Food and beverage companies have long struggled with the unique requirements of shelf life management, complexities of batch scheduling, traceability, and many other factors. In addition, uncertainties around tariffs, sustainability initiatives, and growing regulations are some of a multitude of dynamics that will surely add even more complexity to the mix. Many of these issues and trends can have profound impact on your entire supply chain—from procurement to manufacturing to delivery.

Infor's Mike Edgett and Christine Barnhardt and I had the opportunity to discuss a number of challenges as it relates to supply chain complexities in the food and beverage industry. In the webinar, we segmented the challenges into three buckets; gain global visibility, predict and respond to volatility, and embrace the best technology.

We all tend to limit our focus to the variables within our control, however, it’s time to rethink all supply chain processes because they are not as efficient as they need to be. We did a survey of the companies that were on the Infor Nexus network, about two years ago, and what we found is that about 46% of them said that prior to implementing Infor Nexus it took them as long as three days to identify where a product were, and when it was going to be available. Very clearly the data is not available to help us make good decisions. On top of that, there are gaps for how manufacturers connect with customers, suppliers and carriers outside of the enterprise, whether it be multiple point-to-point EDI connections, portals, spreadsheets, emails—the list is almost endless—and very difficult to maintain.

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Topics: Fashion & Retail, Retail, Fashion & Apparel, Infor CloudSuite PLM for Fashion

Surviving Amidst Excess Inventory In Retail

Posted by Harriet Schneider on Jun 11, 2020 8:00:00 AM

The COVID-19 pandemic continues to ravage the health of individuals, communities, and economic sectors—and that includes retail establishments. Around the globe, in every country,normal life has changed dramatically, and we see the results in store closures (both temporary and permanent), employee layoffs, and people focused on and immediate essential needs. So we see apparel, shoes and non-essentials dropped down the list of purchasing priorities.

We already know that most retailers were under intense margin and revenue pressure before this crisis hit. Now one of the new financial burdens resulting from the pandemic is an abundance of inventory trapped throughout the supply chain. But, amidst this, there is still good news. If you are a retail business, there are a variety of options for you to work through these situational excesses. The optimal combination will depend on each retailer’s unique situation.

As the global economy slowly reopens, this timely blog from our partner, Info shares how retailers actually have 5 major opportunities for resolving their overstock issues.

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Topics: Fashion & Retail, Retail, Fashion & Apparel, Infor CloudSuite PLM for Fashion

Is It Time For An Enterprise Software Update? Part 4-Ensure Success

Posted by Harriet Schneider on Apr 27, 2020 8:00:00 AM

A Panel Discussion on how to ensure success of your Enterprise Software Update/Upgrade

Updating your enterprise systems to ensure your growing business needs and challenges for today and tomorrow. 

April 30, 2020
11 am CST

Your business continues to evolve because of changing customer needs, global supply chains, digital manufacturing, technology advancements, mergers and acquisitions, and other important drivers. Is your ERP system keeping up?

Join us for this 20-minute virtual panel discussion as we focus on what are the critical success factors for ensuring you successfully manage the update/upgrade of your Enterprise Software



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Topics: ERP, Manufacturing, Food & Beverage, Webinar, Process Manufacturing, Fashion & Apparel, CloudSuite Food & Beverage, Cloudsuite Fashion & Apparel, Chemical Processing

Is It Time For An Enterprise Software Update? Part 3-Ensure Success

Posted by Harriet Schneider on Apr 17, 2020 8:00:00 AM

A Panel Discussion on how to ensure success of your Enterprise Software Update/Upgrade

Updating your enterprise systems to ensure your growing business needs and challenges for today and tomorrow. 

April 23, 2020
11 am CST

Your business continues to evolve because of changing customer needs, global supply chains, digital manufacturing, technology advancements, mergers and acquisitions, and other important drivers. Is your ERP system keeping up?

Join us for this 20-minute virtual panel discussion as we focus on what are the critical success factors for ensuring you successfully manage the update/upgrade of your Enterprise Software



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Topics: ERP, Manufacturing, Food & Beverage, Webinar, Process Manufacturing, Fashion & Apparel, CloudSuite Food & Beverage, Cloudsuite Fashion & Apparel, Chemical Processing

Is It Time For An Enterprise Software Update? Part 2-Learn The Signs.

Posted by Harriet Schneider on Apr 13, 2020 1:52:11 PM

A Panel Discussion on How To Learn the Signs

Updating your enterprise systems to ensure your growing business needs and challenges for today and tomorrow. 

April 16, 2020
11 am CST

Your business continues to evolve because of changing customer needs, global supply chains, digital manufacturing, technology advancements, mergers and acquisitions, and other important drivers. Is your ERP system keeping up?

Join us for this 20-minute virtual panel discussion as we focus on understanding the signs to update to your Enterprise Software.



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Topics: ERP, Manufacturing, Food & Beverage, Webinar, Process Manufacturing, Fashion & Apparel, CloudSuite Food & Beverage, Cloudsuite Fashion & Apparel, Chemical Processing

Is It Time For An Enterprise Software Upgrade? Part 1-Learn The Signs.

Posted by Harriet Schneider on Apr 2, 2020 8:00:00 AM

Upgrading your enterprise systems to ensure your growing business needs and challenges for today and tomorrow. 

April 9, 2020
11 am CST

Your business continues to evolve because of changing customer needs, global supply chains, digital manufacturing, technology advancements, mergers and acquisitions, and other important drivers. Is your ERP system keeping up?

Join us for this 20-minute virtual seminar as we focus on learning if it's time for your ERP System upgrade.


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Topics: ERP, Manufacturing, Food & Beverage, Webinar, Process Manufacturing, Fashion & Apparel, CloudSuite Food & Beverage, Cloudsuite Fashion & Apparel, Chemical Processing

Retail's Big Show & Expo - NRF 2020 Vision

Posted by Harriet Schneider on Jan 16, 2020 8:00:00 AM

Mitchell Chi, General Manager - Americas Enterprise Software, attended the NRF 2020 Vision show at Javits Center in NYC. “RETAIL IS FAR FROM DEAD," said Mitch. "Only the complacent retailers should be worried. The atmosphere here is “let’s INVEST to grow our business in 2020”. Lots of smiles, serious questions and tremendous interest from senior execs, who are here in droves”. 


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Topics: Fashion & Retail, Retail, Fashion & Apparel, NRF, Retails Big Show, NRF 2020 Vision

The Biggest Mall Owner In The US Is Going Online

Posted by Harriet Schneider on Nov 12, 2019 8:00:00 AM

The biggest mall owner in the U.S., Simon Property Group, is teaming with online shopping site Rue La La’s parent company to launch a new kind of website for people looking for deals.

The real estate company announced Wednesday it’s partnering with Rue Gilt Groupe, which is backed by Michael Rubin, CEO of Fanatics’ parent company Kynetic, to create a new e-commerce business for discount shopping.

Simon has been testing the website “ShopPremiumOutlets.com” since March, building on its premium outlet centers business. The mall owner operates dozens of premium outlet centers nationwide and a handful overseas. It’s been working with certain retailers at those centers — which include Woodbury Common Premium Outlets in New York — to test selling merchandise together on this site. It says it has signed on more than 2,000 designers, and has about 300,000 products.

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Topics: Fashion & Retail, Retail, Fashion & Apparel, Infor Retail, Online Retail, Fashion PLM, CloudSuite Retail

Is Clothing Rental The Panacea For The Ailing Fashion Retail Industry

Posted by Harriet Schneider on Oct 24, 2019 8:00:00 AM

A recent report valued the rental subscription market at around 1 billion dollars in 2018 and forecast it grows more than 20 percent a year, reaching 2.5 billion dollars by 2023. This trend isn’t lost on traditional retailers: over the last year everyone in the industry seems to be launching their own clothing rental service.

Recent research from GlobalData confirms the explosive growth of clothing rental and / or subscription services: it’s expected to reach 2.5 billion dollars value by 2023, prompting brands such as Banana Republic, Macy’s, Urban Outfitters, Trunk Club or J.C. Penney to announce their own apparel rental services.

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Topics: Fashion & Retail, Retail, Fashion & Apparel, Infor Retail, Online Retail, Fashion PLM, CloudSuite Retail

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