According to Gartner, more than 3,000 CIOs ranked Business Intelligence (BI) and Analytics as the top differentiating technology for their organizations. If BI and Analytics is such a game-changer, then why is the average adoption rate in organizations only 32%? Despite the efforts of Cloud BI vendors making it easier for users to acquire, explore, and analyze data sources without IT dependency, lack of data literacy and analytic skills still hinder widespread adoption for data-driven decision making. But the industry is undergoing a fundamental transformation. The mainstream arrival of Artificial Intelligence (AI) brings with it the potential to finally meet the demand for actionable, enterprise-wide, fact-based decision making.
How Is AI Lowering The Barrier To Entry For BI And Analytics?
Topics: Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Business Intelligence, Cloud BI, Data Visualization, Networked BI
5 Steps For Creating A Common Language To Define Manufacturing Innovation
MASTER SERIES FOR MANUFACTURING: Part 1 - A webinar designed to share a knowledge base for manufacturing sciences & technology and applications to improve production performance.
As we hear more about Industry 4.0; Industrial Internet of Things, and The Digital Factory, it might be a good time to reflect and develop a “Common Language” as it pertains to the word “Manufacturing.”
Since every word has specific meaning, we should ensure that terms such as “Manufacturing” and “Manufacturing Technology” are understood and articulated with a shared language.
This effort could also serve a very useful purpose as we review the developments in the past century and plan ahead for future ones.
“Manufacturing” is the REPETITIVE use of an organized collection of Physical processes, Information Processes and the combination of the two to achieve the “Product” at the required quantity, quality, cost, time and place.
It is the repetitive use of all processes that distinguish “manufacturing” from research, design, product development, etc.
Topics: Digital Transformation, ERP, Manufacturing, Food & Beverage, Webinar, Process Manufacturing, Artificial Intelligence, Fashion PLM
Podcast: The Data Tracking “Creep Factor” That May Be Holding Retailers Back
Has personalization gone too far?
Making the most of customer data can be a difficult proposition. Not only are retailers reluctant to change the ways they use customer data, but many consumers themselves have demonstrated an aversion to any kind of technology that clearly monitors their purchasing activity—even if the purpose of such tracking is to improve the shopping experience. In this episode of Reinventing Retail, we’re joined by Forbes contributor Richard Kestenbaum of Triangle Capital, to discuss the ways data tracking and algorithms can enhance everything from the shopping experience to product design (if we’ll let it). Listen now:
Topics: Fashion & Retail, Fashion & Apparel, retail software
Infor And ICCG Commit To Take India Fashion And F&B Industries To The Cloud
Infor, a global leader in business cloud software specialized by industry, today announced that Independent Computer Consulting Group (ICCG) has been selected as a preferred partner to drive digital transformation for the Fashion, and the Food & Beverage industries in India. The alliance will strengthen the delivery of Infor solutions such as Infor Cloud Suite Fashion, Cloud Suite Food & Beverage (Infor M3) including Infor’s edge applications like Infor Fashion PLM and Infor Optiva PLM to accelerate the adoption of robust, purpose-built and industry-specific suite of offerings designed to meet the evolving demands of businesses.
Topics: Digital Transformation, Press Releases, Food & Beverage, Infor M3, PLM, Fashion & Apparel, Product Lifecycle Management, Infor Optiva, Infor, Fashion PLM
ICCG And Infor Partner As Diamond Sponsors For The 4th Anniversary Celebration Of CIO KLUB Coimbatore Chapter
Noida, India, February 07, 2019 --( Independent Computer Consulting Group (ICCG), a Global Information Technology Solutions Provider for the Enterprise and Infor Gold Channel Partner announced today that, they will be Diamond Level Joint Sponsors of the 4th Anniversary celebration of the CIO KLUB Coimbatore Chapter. This event will take place on Saturday, March 23, 2019 at The Residency Towers, Coimbatore and will be attended by the members of CIO KLUB Coimbatore chapter, representatives from other chapters across India, governing body members of CIO KLUB and other invitees from the IT fraternity in & around Coimbatore.
Topics: Infor M3, PLM, Product Lifecycle Management, CIO, Chief Information Officer, Infor LN
Do You Enjoy Being Scared And Excited At The Same Time?
Artificial intelligence (AI) has a lot of people talking. The fact that those people no longer hail primarily from the world of science fiction is representative of just how far the ideas driving this technology have come. AI has entered the main stream, and it has the technology world buzzing with excitement.
The potential applications of AI are as vast and varied as any complex technology vision that has ever been brought to life. And in truth, that is where the real excitement lies—in finding out just how far we can take AI and in turn, how far it can take us.
Topics: Digital Strategy, Digital Journey, Artificial Intelligence
Creating A Company Culture That Supports Digital Transformation And Continual Improvement
Whether it is e-commerce, the Internet of Things (IoT), robotics or digitally connected global supply chains, food and beverage (F&B) manufacturers are investing in IT solutions in order to take advantage of innovative technologies and opportunities for growth. Unfortunately, in efforts to achieve a quick return on investment (ROI), companies often overlook a fundamental element that needs to be in place before true transformation can occur: workforce buy-in. Today we are sharing this article by Mike Edgett, Industry & Solution Strategy Director at Infor.
Topics: Food & Beverage, Digital Strategy, IoT, Digital Journey
What Are The Prerequisites For Your Digital Journey?
Start by putting the infrastructure in place to support a new way of thinking.
Topics: Digital Transformation, Digital Strategy, Digital Journey, AI, Artificial Intelligence
The Truth Is That AI Can Make Us Better At Being Human
The growing enthusiasm for Artificial Intelligence (AI) is unquestionable and well documented. CEOs marvel at the potential of AI and deep learning to perform cognitive functions such as problem solving and reasoning – functions previously undertaken only by people.
Rather than making us redundant, all the evidence says that AI amplifies our potential. Infor’s Rick Rider explains how AI can make us better at being human.
Topics: Digital Strategy, Digital Journey, AI, Artificial Intelligence
5 Things Every Retailer - Including You - Should Know Going Into 2019
Did last year's Black Friday mark the last "traditional holiday rush" as we know it? It just could be and the reason is that retailers of all sizes can see the writing on the wall, as technologies like artificial intelligence (AI) and the internet of things (IoT) fundamentally change customers’ approach to the traditional shopping experience.
This article from Entrepreneur will provide some insight into digitization, AI and other emerging technologies. Is your business ready for the new technology?
Topics: Retail, Online Retail, E-Commerce