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Business Inspirations - Elite Sportswear

Posted by Shiv Kaushik on Apr 22, 2020 8:00:00 AM

Protective face masks that cover the mouth and nose have become a highly sought-after commodity in 2020 as the world deals with the Coronavirus/COVID-19 pandemic.

As the United States faces a shortage of protective face masks, respirators, face shields, medical gowns, and other items of personal protective equipment (PPE), companies that do not specialize in medical supplies have begun to produce the PPE most-needed by those on the front lines of the COVID-19 fight.

Dolfin Swimwear, a division of Elite Sportswear and one of ICCG's valued customers, has begun producing protective face masks and mask covers for those in need of them. Face masks and covers will only become more important following a recommendation from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) that all individuals wear some kind of a face cover.

“During this unprecedented time, Elite Sportswear recognizes the importance of finding ways to support each other, and our Nation. That is why we are utilizing our production and manufacturing facilities to create essential medical supplies – protective masks and mask covers.

To all doctors, nurses, first responders, medical workers and essential personnel, we thank you for everything that you do. To our team, we are proud of you for helping make these needed materials happen. We are here for you and will come out strong, TOGETHER,” said Girisha Chandraraj, President and CEO of Elite Sportswear.

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Topics: Announcements

Is It Time For An Enterprise Software Update? Part 3-Ensure Success

Posted by Harriet Schneider on Apr 17, 2020 8:00:00 AM

A Panel Discussion on how to ensure success of your Enterprise Software Update/Upgrade

Updating your enterprise systems to ensure your growing business needs and challenges for today and tomorrow. 

April 23, 2020
11 am CST

Your business continues to evolve because of changing customer needs, global supply chains, digital manufacturing, technology advancements, mergers and acquisitions, and other important drivers. Is your ERP system keeping up?

Join us for this 20-minute virtual panel discussion as we focus on what are the critical success factors for ensuring you successfully manage the update/upgrade of your Enterprise Software



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Topics: ERP, Manufacturing, Food & Beverage, Webinar, Process Manufacturing, Fashion & Apparel, CloudSuite Food & Beverage, Cloudsuite Fashion & Apparel, Chemical Processing

Business Inspirations - SP Apparel

Posted by Shiv Kaushik on Apr 16, 2020 8:00:00 AM

As Covid-19 moves across countries and has become the most written and talked about subject in the news, many of us have been moved to ask, “How can I help?”

Our customer, SP Apparel has answered the call by dedicating their manufacturing efforts 100% to the production of gowns and masks for medical personnel to help fight against COVID-19. Though we all may currently be socially distanced, SP Apparel is showing us that we’re all in this together.

Thank you to Steve Berard, CEO, SP Apparel & 3B Hockey and his entire team.

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Topics: Announcements

Is It Time For An Enterprise Software Update? Part 2-Learn The Signs.

Posted by Harriet Schneider on Apr 13, 2020 1:52:11 PM

A Panel Discussion on How To Learn the Signs

Updating your enterprise systems to ensure your growing business needs and challenges for today and tomorrow. 

April 16, 2020
11 am CST

Your business continues to evolve because of changing customer needs, global supply chains, digital manufacturing, technology advancements, mergers and acquisitions, and other important drivers. Is your ERP system keeping up?

Join us for this 20-minute virtual panel discussion as we focus on understanding the signs to update to your Enterprise Software.



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Topics: ERP, Manufacturing, Food & Beverage, Webinar, Process Manufacturing, Fashion & Apparel, CloudSuite Food & Beverage, Cloudsuite Fashion & Apparel, Chemical Processing

Infor President & CTO Compliments ICCG For Delivering Last Mile Functionality For RSWM, Ltd.

Posted by Harriet Schneider on Apr 7, 2020 8:00:00 AM
40,000 person hours of implementation efforts capitalized on vertical and micro-vertical expertise for textile & fashion manufacturers.
With micro-vertical expertise in textile & fashion business, ICCG announced completion of a full-scale implementation of Infor M3 ERP. This implementation is one of the largest ERP projects for Infor and very strategic for RSWM Ltd. as well.

“RSWM implemented Infor Fashion Suite in their textile business and as an Industry specific software provider, we are proud to state that with the implementation led by our partner ICCG, RSWM has successfully rolled out the solution to their businesses and are able to realize the benefits as envisioned at the beginning of their technology modernization journey. ICCG helped with micro-vertical fit by delivering the last mile functionality needed for a textile business,” said Soma Somasundaram, President & CTO of Infor.

ICCG was requested by RSWM Management to first help them implement Infor M3 in the Yarn Manufacturing business of RSWM to onboard users on Infor’s leading ERP solution for Yarn and Textile Manufacturing division. On successful completion of that implementation, RSWM embarked on the project of modernizing its enterprise systems for the Denim fabric manufacturing division and that has been successfully completed by ICCG team.

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Topics: Infor M3, Infor M3 ERP

Is It Time For An Enterprise Software Upgrade? Part 1-Learn The Signs.

Posted by Harriet Schneider on Apr 2, 2020 8:00:00 AM

Upgrading your enterprise systems to ensure your growing business needs and challenges for today and tomorrow. 

April 9, 2020
11 am CST

Your business continues to evolve because of changing customer needs, global supply chains, digital manufacturing, technology advancements, mergers and acquisitions, and other important drivers. Is your ERP system keeping up?

Join us for this 20-minute virtual seminar as we focus on learning if it's time for your ERP System upgrade.


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Topics: ERP, Manufacturing, Food & Beverage, Webinar, Process Manufacturing, Fashion & Apparel, CloudSuite Food & Beverage, Cloudsuite Fashion & Apparel, Chemical Processing

ICCG Celebrates International Women's Day

Posted by Harriet Schneider on Mar 6, 2020 10:00:00 AM

In honor of #InternationalWomensDay on Sunday, March 8, 2020, ICCG is committed to shining a light on empowering female role models and contributing to the effort to inspire girls and women of all ages to follow their dreams. ICCG is certified as a women’s business enterprise through the Women’s Business Enterprise National Council (WBENC), the nation’s largest third party certifier of businesses owned and operated by women in the US.

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Topics: International Women's Day 2020

RES Exhibits Selects ICCG As Implementation Partner For Infor® CloudSuite™ Industrial (SyteLine) ERP System Upgrade

Posted by Harriet Schneider on Mar 2, 2020 8:00:00 AM

Infor CloudSuite Industrial (SyteLine) helps manage all key business processes into one integrated system

In just under 5 months, ICCG completed an upgrade implementation of Infor® CloudSuite™ Industrial (SyteLine), for RES Exhibits, a family-owned and operated trade show services company specializing in creating one-of-a-kind experiences for one-of-a-kind brands.

They were running an older version of Infor SyteLine that was not allowing them to manage key processes effectively. This older version also required many customizations and work arounds. The consensus was to upgrade to the latest available version of Infor SyteLine and take advantage of all the capabilities of the newer release. They selected ICCG, an Infor Global Alliance Partner, to lead the upgrade implementation because of their deep understanding of the technology and functionality of Infor CloudSuite Industrial.

“System upgrades calls for good understanding of the customer’s existing configuration of their ERP system,” said Shiv Kaushik, CEO for ICCG.  “The enhanced capabilities in the newer version combined with prior relevant experience to successfully deliver upgrades, involves carrying forward some business specific modifications to the solution and makes the deliverance complete in a timely manner.”

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Topics: ERP, Enterprise Resource Planning, Infor Cloudsuite Industrial, Infor SyteLine

Leading Beauty & Personal Care Manufacturer Selects Infor CloudSuite® Process PLM (Optiva) As Its Platform And ICCG As Its Implementation Partner

Posted by Harriet Schneider on Feb 27, 2020 8:00:00 AM

The business objective of the project is to help them get to market faster and with a unified view of data and processes and serve its customers at a higher level of service and quality of products.

A leading beauty care company that has been in growth mode and with active business collaborations for leading beauty brands selected Infor® CloudSuite™ PLM for Process (Optiva) for its Product Development and collaboration platform and ICCG, Inc. as its Implementation Partner for this strategic investment.

Infor CloudSuite PLM for Process maximizes the value of process manufacturers’ R&D teams and helps reduce the time spent performing key PLM processes, such as new product development and introduction, formula optimization, regulatory compliance, and project management.

“Bringing products to market to meet evolving customer demands is no longer enough. To grow revenue and remain competitive, manufacturers must shrink product development cycle times and get products to market faster, while at the same time, ensure regulatory compliance,” said Bala Anantharama, Senior Vice President at ICCG. “So when this company came to us needing to select and implement a proven and complete PLM solution designed for their specific product development needs, we knew Infor CloudSuite Process PLM would be a perfect fit.”

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Topics: Infor Cloudsuite Process PLM, Optiva

4 Keys To More Effective CIO Succession Planning

Posted by Harriet Schneider on Feb 25, 2020 8:00:00 AM

Many companies face two dilemmas with respect to technology strategy—succession planning for retiring Baby Boom-generation CIOs, and keeping up with the digital transformation of their industry. In the past, those two issues were unrelated. But now, outdated technology platforms and legacy software solutions artificially constrain companies in both respects, making it difficult to respond to technological disruption, and limiting the choice of future CIOs to those capable of managing obsolete technology.

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Topics: Digital Transformation, CIO, Succession Planning

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Embracing thought leadership as a pathway for growth, represents the true spirit of progressive change that will make a difference in technology-driven industries. As a consulting company, ICCG customers look to us as their value-added resource. They expect us to be proactive about solving their immediate challenges and we don’t take that responsibility lightly. It is this that drives us to share our best practices, knowledge-base, years of experience, and tried and true methodologies. These have been the hallmarks of our corporate brand.

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