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Four Cloud Hotel Management System Software Myths - Debunked!

Posted by Harriet Schneider on May 27, 2022 11:04:42 AM

With the rise of innovative hotel software in a radically changing era, trend lines continue to slope in favor of an integrated hotel management system that emphasizes mobile and guest-driven processes, all managed above location in the cloud. But there are many organizations who continue to stick to the on-prem status quo.

This hesitancy to change is a barrier for many organizations to see the benefits to their businesses in the long run, particularly in an era when alignment across all hotel properties is as essential as ever. To help address that, here are 4 common hospitality cloud software myths to better understand and then dispel while competing in a fast-moving and constantly evolving hospitality industry that is set to face new challenges.

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Topics: ERP, Distribution, Supply Chain, Fashion & Apparel, Supply Chain Visibility, digital disruption, Enterprise Resource Planning, Enterprise Software, Retail Supply Chain, Supply Chain Operations, Infor CloudSuite M3, Infor CloudSuite ERP

Five Challenges That Are Redefining The Fashion Industry

Posted by Harriet Schneider on May 25, 2022 11:17:38 AM

As industry attitudes and consumer behaviors change, so does the challenge of sustaining a business in the fashion industry. The global health crisis has accelerated the need for retailers and fashion brand owners to reconsider the concepts of brick-and-mortar shops to meet the demands of digitally native consumers—while still maintaining omni-channel supply and ensuring sustainable production to allow for recycling. The landscape is evolving more quickly than many can adapt.

Despite these difficult new industry dynamics, fashion companies big and small still can turn these challenges into channels of transformation. Those who can observe and react to shifting buyer behaviors, regulatory changes, and the growing number of channels to market will not only gain a competitive edge, but also help assure the future success of their business.

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Topics: Fashion & Retail, Distribution, Supply Chain, Fashion & Apparel, Cloudsuite Fashion & Apparel, Infor CloudSuite PLM for Fashion, Enterprise Software, Supply Chain Management

Why You Should Choose Multi-Tenant Over Single-Tenant Cloud ERP

Posted by Harriet Schneider on May 23, 2022 2:48:27 PM

It's not just about technology, it's all about responsibility

The technical aspect of different delivery methods described in the previous blog post in this blog series of, is of course an essential part of the factors to consider when choosing the right ERP solution for your company. However, what is perhaps even more important to understand is the division of responsibilities between supplier and customer when it comes to the different options. There are major differences between the delivery methods, but there may also be differences within the specific method.

ERP Delivery methods from a responsibility perspective

Below Håkan Strömbeck (Senior Industry & Solution Strategy Director at Infor), describes the different ERP delivery methods from a responsibility perspective. The description is made from a general perspective for all option, except for the "multi-tenant" option which is described based on how things work at Infor.


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Topics: ERP, Distribution, Supply Chain, Fashion & Apparel, Supply Chain Visibility, digital disruption, Enterprise Resource Planning, Enterprise Software, Retail Supply Chain, Supply Chain Operations, Infor CloudSuite M3, Infor CloudSuite ERP

5 Ways Infor CloudSuites Help Manufacturers Expand Work-From-Anywhere

Posted by Harriet Schneider on May 18, 2022 2:07:21 PM

What does anywhere operations mean?

Many industries, including manufacturing, pivoted toward a dispersed workforce as they faced COVID-related restrictions for distancing in the workplace. Often, the policies adopted out of necessity also brought unexpected benefits. We discovered that remote workers can still be highly productive, and a distributed infrastructure can still maintain security and reliability. Plus, the ability to connect from anywhere enhances agility, collaboration, and expands the talent pool. Flexibility is valuable to the workforce.

So, why go back to the traditional business model? Many manufacturers are considering this carefully and examining how to retain the best components of remote connectivity without compromising shop floor activities and the fulfilment of customer orders. Technology can help. With modern remote connectivity, employees can stay connected, accessing tools and data and engaging with colleagues and customers from anywhere.


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Topics: Digital Transformation, ERP, Manufacturing, Food & Beverage, Webinar, Process Manufacturing, Artificial Intelligence, Fashion PLM

How Is Digital Transformation Changing The Food & Beverage Industry?

Posted by Harriet Schneider on May 16, 2022 1:34:58 PM

From bakeries to zucchini farmers, food and beverage companies are eager to pursue avenues of growth. Many endeavor to jump start these opportunities by embracing modernization and adopting digital strategies. New technologies offer exciting ways to leverage data, engage with customers, and automate processes. As a result, new and innovative ways of looking at products and the supply chain develop, transforming how we do business. While the potential impact of digital transformation is promising, it can also be intimidating. Where do you start? How do you measure success?

To answer these and other critical questions, use this checklist to help guide your successful digital deployment.

1. Define a Clear Mission

Your digital action plan must start with the key mission you hope to achieve. This should be related to the very core of why your organization exists. What experiences and products do you want to offer? You must be crystal clear on this point. Although product and service offerings are often blended today, you need to be able to clearly define your goal. If you can’t articulate your mission, chances are your personnel, partners, and customers will be confused and unreceptive.

2. Invest in Innovative Thinkers

Balancing the workforce between doers and thinkers is important. Every company in the food and beverage industry has a mix of hands-on workers and managers who focus on bottom-line profitability. But you also need the creative problem solvers who can bring imagination and a vision for the future. “If an organization has many scientists, technologists, engineers, or mathematicians, it should add artists, ethnographers, anthropologists, design thinking experts, and story tellers,” says Wang. Different perspectives can spark creative thoughts and fresh approaches to solving business problems. Encourage these individuals from divergent disciplines to form teams and learn from each other.

3. Focus on Business Models First

Conceptualize your business model first, then decide how to execute it. Keep in mind you can have more than one business model and multiple revenue streams. Start from a core objective and then work out what technologies, people, and systems you need to support the model. Multiple layers of partner networks, ingredient suppliers, processors, and packagers may be involved, as well the need to manage seasonal variables. Map these out early and in detail, as these contributors will likely impact the cost of doing business and margins.

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Topics: Digital Transformation, Food & Beverage, Food Technology, CloudSuite Food & Beverage

Creating An Effective Remote Workforce Strategy

Posted by Harriet Schneider on May 13, 2022 8:00:00 AM

As the world emerges from a Covid-19-inspired hibernation, organizations are evaluating how to ensure the return to work is handled safely and efficiently. For many organizations, this return will be more symbolic than physical as the benefits of allowing employees to work remotely have become too obvious to ignore. For example, remember then Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey's communication to employees, suggesting they could continue to work remotely forever?

"If our employees are in a role and situation that enables them to work from home and they want to continue to do so forever, we will make that happen. If not, our offices will be their warm and welcoming selves, with some additional precautions, when we feel it’s safe to return."

This trend is unquestionably gaining momentum as other companies such as Google, Facebook, Microsoft and many others have formally communicated their intent to extend their remote work policies (some through the end of the calendar year).

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Topics: ERP, Fashion & Retail, Supply Chain, Fashion PLM, Cloudsuite Fashion & Apparel, Infor M3 ERP, Enterprise Software, WMS, Supply Chain Management

Omni-Channel Strategy Brings Your Value Chain Closer To The Consumer

Posted by Harriet Schneider on May 12, 2022 8:23:15 AM

Design your value chain for omni-channel

Today, customers expect to shop, compare, purchase, and consume on their own terms—on their own schedule, through a variety of channels, and on a variety of devices. For fashion companies, that means operating in a customer-driven economy. Not only should your marketing campaigns drive customers to the omni-channel outlets that you monitor, but your value chain should be ready to support these efforts. The omni-channel experience must be seamless and consistent, inspiring your customers to make purchases whether they’re in a physical store or online.

For your omni-channel management efforts and value chain to be in sync, you must move toward new business models that are far more collaborative, consumer driven, responsive, and quick. But how do you design a value chain so you can get closer to your customers and quickly deliver on their needs? And how do you get your value chain partners aligned to get the right products to where consumers want them—as quickly and efficiently as possible? This eBook will answer these questions and more.

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Topics: ERP, Fashion & Retail, Supply Chain, Fashion PLM, Cloudsuite Fashion & Apparel, Infor M3 ERP, Enterprise Software, WMS, Supply Chain Management

Re-Evaluating Supply Chain: Five Technology Trends For The Food & Beverage Industry

Posted by Harriet Schneider on May 11, 2022 8:00:00 AM

Food and beverage companies face another pivotal year as the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic is forcing businesses to reevaluate their supply chain and operations strategy. To combat the challenges of supply chain disruption, shifting consumer demand, and market uncertainty, many organizations have turned to technology to promote resiliency and galvanize their business processes for the year ahead.

Below are five technology trends that experts anticipate will gain popularity in the years ahead as manufacturers prioritize agility and resilience over reactivity.

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Topics: ERP, Food & Beverage, Supply Chain, Food Technology, CloudSuite Food & Beverage, Infor M3 ERP, Enterprise Software, WMS, Supply Chain Management

The Resilient, Efficient And Sustainable Supply Chain Journey Part 2

Posted by Harriet Schneider on May 10, 2022 8:00:00 AM

The existence of Conflicting objectives means we should look at aligning the processes and systems to enable us the make the appropriate decision and tradeoffs. But Siloed thinking and the Legacy systems deficit are making this more difficult to achieve.

There is no question that the solution is to first and foremost focus on people and process as we did in the second blog, Redefining the Processes, but technology can make a real difference to enable these processes and make the people able to focus on the important issues rather than the mundane task of data gathering and analysis.

The last 30 years have seen a huge expansion of global trade. Many of the goods we consume today are made in a different continents. The chase for the cheapest production location has resulted in complex, long lead time supply chains which have significantly increased the risk of disruptions, reduced supply chain efficiencies and increased our environment impact.

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Topics: ERP, Supply Chain, Supply Chain Visibility, Supply Chain Network, Fashion PLM, Infor M3 ERP, Enterprise Software, Supply Chain Operations, WMS, Supply Chain Management

The Resilient, Efficient & Sustainable Supply Chain Journey-Part 1

Posted by Harriet Schneider on May 9, 2022 2:48:12 PM

Future proof your supply chain with resilient and sustainable elements

Strengthening the supply chains in preparation for inevitable future uncertainties, and the need to be more sustainable whiles continuing to be efficient requires the development of processes, systems, and structures that enable rapid adaptation and resilience in the face of disruptions.

In this blog we’re going to look at the steps organizations can take to future-proof their supply chains, and at how they can build in resilience and sustainability elements.

A recent study, considered exactly this point. The study identified several key characteristics in this regard.


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Topics: ERP, Supply Chain, Supply Chain Visibility, Supply Chain Network, Fashion PLM, Infor M3 ERP, Enterprise Software, Supply Chain Operations, WMS, Supply Chain Management

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