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What Is World Class Manufacturing And How Do You Measure It?

Posted by Harriet Schneider on Jul 17, 2017 10:49:19 PM

Larry Fast, founder and president of Pathways to Manufacturing Excellence


"What is World Class Manufacturing and How Do You Measure It?


Now THAT’s a great question! I am unaware of a specific measurement that is universally available for use. If any of our readers are aware of such a measurement(s), then please comment. I can only share how I’ve thought about it and what I’ve used over the years with my operations and my clients.

My definition of World Class: “When a U.S. company and its factories are competitive in global markets they wish to serve.” As I’ve said before, U.S. manufacturing leadership can gripe about the playing field not being level while they watch foreign manufacturers continue to eat into their market share in this country. The ultimate outcome will range from a shrinking market share in the U.S. and/or one day going out of business; OR, the alternative—we must become good enough to compete. That’s World Class.


My definition of World Class: “When a U.S. company and its factories are competitive in global markets they wish to serve.” As I’ve said before, U.S. manufacturing leadership can gripe about the playing field not being level while they watch foreign manufacturers continue to eat into their market share in this country. The ultimate outcome will range from a shrinking market share in the U.S. and/or one day going out of business; OR, the alternative—we must become good enough to compete. That’s World Class.

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Topics: Manufacturing

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