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What F&B Manufacturers Can Expect From Asset Performance Management

Posted by Harriet Schneider on Jun 29, 2022 12:56:09 PM

A strategic approach to Asset Performance Management (APM) helps you keep critical equipment and production lines up and running, using the mountains of operational data now available to help you track equipment performance, anticipate the need for maintenance, and prevent breakdowns before they occur. But even in steady economic times, and certainly in the midst of a global pandemic, the decision to embrace the new technology will always be guided by the bottom line: Will the cost of the new system be justified by the efficiencies and cost savings it delivers?

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Topics: Digital Transformation, Food & Beverage, Distribution, Supply Chain, Artificial Intelligence, digital technology, Food Technology, CloudSuite Food & Beverage, Enterprise Asset Management, Enterprise Software

Maintain A Sustainable Food Future From Farm To Fork

Posted by Harriet Schneider on May 30, 2022 12:06:40 PM

Amid the current global trends surrounding climate change, waste reduction, economic growth, and political transparency, a growing awareness has emerged worldwide around sustainable practices in both the private and public sectors. For food and beverage industry enterprises, sustainability can be affected at nearly every stage of the supply chain—from sourcing and processing to distribution and retail. Each of these distinct supply chain functions can activate sustainable initiatives within their own area, and they’re all deeply interconnected. A change in any one area of the food and beverage supply chain has a sustainability impact on the other areas. When you use cloud solutions to create change, it makes it easier for stakeholders in each arena of food and beverage to break down any communication silos and work together to shift the ways food is produced and distributed.


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Topics: Digital Transformation, Food & Beverage, Food Technology, CloudSuite Food & Beverage

5 Ways Infor CloudSuites Help Manufacturers Expand Work-From-Anywhere

Posted by Harriet Schneider on May 18, 2022 2:07:21 PM

What does anywhere operations mean?

Many industries, including manufacturing, pivoted toward a dispersed workforce as they faced COVID-related restrictions for distancing in the workplace. Often, the policies adopted out of necessity also brought unexpected benefits. We discovered that remote workers can still be highly productive, and a distributed infrastructure can still maintain security and reliability. Plus, the ability to connect from anywhere enhances agility, collaboration, and expands the talent pool. Flexibility is valuable to the workforce.

So, why go back to the traditional business model? Many manufacturers are considering this carefully and examining how to retain the best components of remote connectivity without compromising shop floor activities and the fulfilment of customer orders. Technology can help. With modern remote connectivity, employees can stay connected, accessing tools and data and engaging with colleagues and customers from anywhere.


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Topics: Digital Transformation, ERP, Manufacturing, Food & Beverage, Webinar, Process Manufacturing, Artificial Intelligence, Fashion PLM

How Is Digital Transformation Changing The Food & Beverage Industry?

Posted by Harriet Schneider on May 16, 2022 1:34:58 PM

From bakeries to zucchini farmers, food and beverage companies are eager to pursue avenues of growth. Many endeavor to jump start these opportunities by embracing modernization and adopting digital strategies. New technologies offer exciting ways to leverage data, engage with customers, and automate processes. As a result, new and innovative ways of looking at products and the supply chain develop, transforming how we do business. While the potential impact of digital transformation is promising, it can also be intimidating. Where do you start? How do you measure success?

To answer these and other critical questions, use this checklist to help guide your successful digital deployment.

1. Define a Clear Mission

Your digital action plan must start with the key mission you hope to achieve. This should be related to the very core of why your organization exists. What experiences and products do you want to offer? You must be crystal clear on this point. Although product and service offerings are often blended today, you need to be able to clearly define your goal. If you can’t articulate your mission, chances are your personnel, partners, and customers will be confused and unreceptive.

2. Invest in Innovative Thinkers

Balancing the workforce between doers and thinkers is important. Every company in the food and beverage industry has a mix of hands-on workers and managers who focus on bottom-line profitability. But you also need the creative problem solvers who can bring imagination and a vision for the future. “If an organization has many scientists, technologists, engineers, or mathematicians, it should add artists, ethnographers, anthropologists, design thinking experts, and story tellers,” says Wang. Different perspectives can spark creative thoughts and fresh approaches to solving business problems. Encourage these individuals from divergent disciplines to form teams and learn from each other.

3. Focus on Business Models First

Conceptualize your business model first, then decide how to execute it. Keep in mind you can have more than one business model and multiple revenue streams. Start from a core objective and then work out what technologies, people, and systems you need to support the model. Multiple layers of partner networks, ingredient suppliers, processors, and packagers may be involved, as well the need to manage seasonal variables. Map these out early and in detail, as these contributors will likely impact the cost of doing business and margins.

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Topics: Digital Transformation, Food & Beverage, Food Technology, CloudSuite Food & Beverage

Re-Evaluating Supply Chain: Five Technology Trends For The Food & Beverage Industry

Posted by Harriet Schneider on May 11, 2022 8:00:00 AM

Food and beverage companies face another pivotal year as the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic is forcing businesses to reevaluate their supply chain and operations strategy. To combat the challenges of supply chain disruption, shifting consumer demand, and market uncertainty, many organizations have turned to technology to promote resiliency and galvanize their business processes for the year ahead.

Below are five technology trends that experts anticipate will gain popularity in the years ahead as manufacturers prioritize agility and resilience over reactivity.

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Topics: ERP, Food & Beverage, Supply Chain, Food Technology, CloudSuite Food & Beverage, Infor M3 ERP, Enterprise Software, WMS, Supply Chain Management

The Next Era of Hospitality – Restaurants and Food Services

Posted by Harriet Schneider on May 4, 2022 10:25:58 AM

Adaptability and quick turnarounds on strategy had never been more vital during a challenging decade for the restaurants and food services industry so far. The good news for many is that so many organizations rose to that challenge, with restaurant technology playing a singular role in helping them to continue to meet demand and to serve guests via multiple channels, specifically using advanced restaurant point of sale and integrations with mobile ordering.

As much as the industry landscape has been defined by challenges and disruption, it’s also allowed decision makers to consider how present conditions help to anticipate what the rest of the decade might look like. This has meant looking at the basics, the essentials for successful restaurants to best consider and the continuing role restaurant technology will play. Over the last few weeks, we’ve published several posts that explore these factors. Here’s a summary to consider.

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Topics: ERP, Food & Beverage, Distribution, Supply Chain, Supply Chain Visibility, digital disruption, Enterprise Resource Planning, Food Technology, CloudSuite Food & Beverage, Enterprise Software, Retail Supply Chain, Supply Chain Operations, Infor CloudSuite M3, Infor CloudSuite ERP

Moving At The Speed Of Social Trends In The Food And Beverage Industry

Posted by Harriet Schneider on May 3, 2022 1:28:46 AM

Throughout the pandemic, food and beverage companies have weathered surges in demand, rapid fluctuations in consumer buying habits, and the complexities of the global supply chain. Without complete enterprise-wide visibility or collaboration, shifting gears and adapting to trends in the market can seem insurmountable.

How can you modernize to keep pace with the speed of consumer needs in today’s competitive market? We recently did a webinar with Mark Winter, CFO of My Food Bag, to hear how his company, a leading online meal kit provider in New Zealand, managed to improve business productivity, efficiently manage the growth of its business and navigate the pressures of the pandemic.

Here are some valuable takeaways from the webinar. Watch the on-demand recording if you want to hear more about how My Food Bag deals with special requests from customers for particular food products, or ingredients, how the company manages last-mile delivery, and what they do to get the right balance between supply chain efficiency and sustainability.

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Topics: ERP, Food & Beverage, Supply Chain, Food Technology, CloudSuite Food & Beverage, Infor M3 ERP, Enterprise Software, WMS, Supply Chain Management

Hotel Technology To Support Hospitality Workers And Retain Talent

Posted by Harriet Schneider on Mar 22, 2022 8:22:49 AM

Employees at hotel and other hospitality locations are the heart of their organisations, representing company values and mission to deliver the best possible guest experience consistently. But hospitality industry trends coming out of a very disruptive period show a worrying shortage of labour, with workers having time and financial support during lockdown to consider other options when it comes to their careers and their futures.

Making sure that hospitality work is rewarding, and that environments are supportive is more important than ever before to the future of the industry. How does advanced hotel technology help to address this vital concern? How must systems and processes in hotels and resorts best support hospitality workers day to day, help to identify how to reward their hard work, and retain their talent? Here are some examples to consider.

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Topics: ERP, Fashion & Retail, Food & Beverage, Infor M3, Fashion & Apparel, Enterprise Resource Planning, CloudSuite Food & Beverage, Cloudsuite Fashion & Apparel, Infor M3 ERP

Why Vertical Industry Expertise Is So Important?

Posted by Harriet Schneider on Mar 21, 2022 11:25:57 AM

If you follow industry news, attend prospect events, or read our partner Infor's website, you know that vertical industry expertise is a favorite topic for Infor executives, leaders, and strategists. Industry-specific functionality is part of our critical foundation and a strong differentiating feature for our software solutions, we say frequently. But, have you thought about why? Do you know where our industry expertise comes from and how we leverage it into valuable selling points? Let’s look closer at what “industry expertise” means, why we are highly focused on it as a strategy, and how it will propel Infor forward.

The backstory

To understand where we are going, it helps to know how we got here. History provides context. In the evolution of ERP solutions, there’s a long and winding road that providers and users travelled before today’s Software as a Service (SAAS) model became the accepted best practice. In early days of ERP solutions, massive monolithic solutions with complex architecture and rigid code structure were the norm. Large enterprises invested heavily and hired consultants to customize the operational features. The heavily modified systems were costly to update.

Then came cloud computing. But, for companies to take advantage of the benefits of multi-tenant cloud deployment, they needed to have their industry-specific functionality already built into the solution—so modifications wouldn’t be needed. Modifications slow down deployment and can get in the way of upgrades.

Infor had been heavily investing into industry-specific features of the core ERP solutions. The solutions contain the functionality needed for industry specific applications—making it easier to migrate to the cloud.

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Topics: ERP, Fashion & Retail, Food & Beverage, Infor M3, Fashion & Apparel, Enterprise Resource Planning, CloudSuite Food & Beverage, Cloudsuite Fashion & Apparel, Infor M3 ERP

Streamlining Restaurant POS Menu Management

Posted by Harriet Schneider on Mar 11, 2022 8:26:40 AM

When every transaction counts more so than ever before in restaurants and food services, forward-thinking strategies around restaurant menu management have become more important than ever before. Central to that is how much leading organizations have risen to the occasion to streamline the way they manage they their offering and push the newest versions of menus to the point of sale, unified across locations and concepts.

Restaurants and managed food services rely on current data and the technology needed to find useful narratives about how to enhance performance and maximize returns, specifically at the menu item level. How does that work? What role does restaurant POS play in that process? Let’s take a look.

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Topics: ERP, Food & Beverage, Distribution, Supply Chain, Food Technology, CloudSuite Food & Beverage, Enterprise Software

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