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Three Ways The World Of Work Has Improved Due To The Pandemic

Posted by Harriet Schneider on Feb 25, 2021 9:30:00 AM

While it would be easy to reflect on 2020 as a disastrous dumpster fire of a year, the reality is that the pandemic has changed the workplace for the better. And many of these modifications are likely to be permanent. This is undoubtedly difficult to appreciate from our current vantagepoint, but by the end of 2021 we will likely witness the seeds sown during the crisis begin to bear sustainable fruit. In fact, you can already observe alterations that have had almost universal impact regardless of industry or geography.

Redefining workplace norms

The last 50 years of work have been defined by predictable patterns involving who is doing the work, where it occurs and when it happens. While these standards have been impacted by technological advancements, demographic shifts and emerging social norms, COVID-19 has accelerated the arrival of new ways of working. While most organizations initially resisted the inevitable reforms that accompanied the crisis, virtually all of them eventually accepted that work can be done anywhere, anytime and by almost anyone.

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Topics: ERP, Manufacturing, Food & Beverage, Distribution, Rentals & Equipment, Supply Chain, Fashion & Apparel, Infor M3 ERP, Enterprise Software, Retail Supply Chain, WMS, Supply Chain Management

Supply Chain Finance Was A Lifeline For Many In 2020

Posted by Harriet Schneider on Jan 28, 2021 10:23:56 PM

B2B transaction data from the Infor Nexus network shows a major shift in supplier payment terms following the onset of COVID-19 in March of 2020. In the first three months of last year, the majority of payment terms were 30-45 days. In March, 66% of all orders were on terms less than 60 days.

By July, the buyer-supplier payment dynamic had completely flipped, with 65% of orders on terms greater than 60 days. This trend continued throughout the year with 60 day, 90 day, or even longer payment terms in place as buyers moved to preserve their own capital. As a result, many suppliers found themselves in need of a lifeline. For many buyers and suppliers, supply chain finance programs became that solution, removing risk and stress from supply chains by ensuring suppliers access to early payment.

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Topics: Manufacturing, Distribution, Supply Chain, Supply Chain Network, Enterprise Software, Supply Chain Operations, Supply Chain Management

Infor CloudSuite Equipment Rental: The Engine Of Growth

Posted by Harriet Schneider on Sep 8, 2020 8:00:00 AM

As an equipment rental organization that wants to differentiate itself in a highly competitive market, you need to offer your customers the right rental equipment, when and where they want it, at the right price. The challenges you face today are forcing you to rethink the way you do business.

Modernize your business with Infor CloudSuite™ Equipment Rental, a cloud-based, rental-focused ERP solution that allows you to deploy faster, respond faster, and evolve faster, while running your business on the most secure infrastructure available.

CloudSuite Equipment Rental is designed specifically for rental companies that are focused on growth, customer engagement, and extended services. Supporting almost 40 localizations and 18 languages, and built on industry best practices, the solution gives you the flexibility and scalability to easily take on new markets and quickly adapt to change. It features deep, proven capabilities to support all your business processes—not just rental.

Even better, the solution is delivered in the cloud—ensuring efficiency, cost savings, built-in support for global operations, and security that follows industry-leading best-practice protocols.

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Topics: Equipment, Infor, CloudSuite Equipment Rental, Enterprise Software

Insights - Q&A With ICCG's Mitchell B. Chi, GM, Enterprise Software

Posted by Harriet Schneider on May 14, 2020 8:00:00 AM

Since 1983, Mitchell B. Chi, CPA, MBA, and General Manager - Enterprise Software, has worked with many Fortune 500 companies and hundreds of fast growth start-ups in designing low-cost agile business systems to stay ahead of the competition. He has authored numerous white papers, been a keynote speaker at national conferences, and continues to advise companies in building a “strategic vision with tactical results”.

Mitchell held executive positions with PriceWaterhouse, Goldman Sachs, Oracle, Infor, and 11 successful start-ups. A technology company he founded, MicroSage, won Small Business of the Year from the Small Business Administration. The next year MicroSage was awarded Minority Sub-contractor of the Year from the Department of Energy.

Mitchell is a dynamic and passionate speaker on many topics, especially how to stay relevant in today’s economy by empowering technology.

Q. The United States has depended on overseas manufacturing for many of our products which, in times like the current pandemic, has created a supply chain breakdown leading to stock out situations. In response to that do you think companies will focus on bringing more manufacturing back on shore to address this problem?

A. In the 1990’s, America sacrificed quality, availability, and brand loyalty for shareholder value, top line revenues, and acquisitions. The consumer was complicit in this, as they also sacrificed quality for price.

Fast forward to our current global quarantine and staying alive times. I believe the manufacturing reboot will be organic and with a huge “Buy America” movement, A.C. (After Corona). The US has a significant inventory of idle factories, the highest unemployment in history, and many families continue to be worried about basic commodities. Consider this: If there was a 10% increase due to “Buy America” that’s $2.15T of the US GDP of $21.47T. The trickle down could be as high as 5x or $10.75.2T from real estate (commercial and residential) renovations and durable goods to services and even, entertainment. 

Supply chains are the most fragile in the “first leg”, raw materials to finished product inventory. Currently, with supply chains stressed, US based, leading companies are developing plans to fortify as much of the “First Leg” back to America. The answer is not hard assets and labor alone. Flexible and agile technology is core to any tactical execution.

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Topics: Enterprise Resource Planning, Q&A, Enterprise Software

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