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Who Is A Good Fit For Remote Work Setting?

Posted by Harriet Schneider on Mar 15, 2022 6:44:03 AM

Who is best suited to be in a remote work setting?
The grand remote work experiment we have all participated in over the last few months has resulted in a renewed interest in the concept becoming a regular component of the corporate landscape. And while enthusiasm for the approach has grown considerably, abandoning the physical office may not be attractive to everyone. In fact, some people have been quite vocal in their call for a return to the workplace, as they complain about their increased workload, lack of social interaction, constant parade of exhausting Zoom calls and inability to quickly (and clearly) communicate with colleagues. So how can we tell the difference between an admirer and an adversary of this new model of work?

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Topics: ERP, Fashion & Retail, Supply Chain, Fashion PLM, Cloudsuite Fashion & Apparel, Infor M3 ERP, Enterprise Software, WMS, Supply Chain Management

Demand For Sense & Respond Capabilities To Build Continuous Supply Chain

Posted by Harriet Schneider on Mar 14, 2022 11:02:40 AM

Competitive supply chains must enable a new level of coordinated performance that creates a high-fidelity picture of in-process flows across your extended network. Building the continuous supply chain supports contextual deviations, conveys alerts and drives continuous planning via sense & respond capabilities.

Optimizing multi-party business processes

Supply chains are complex networks where over 80% of the data and processes sits within partner systems. To see and act on the latest picture of your supply chain, your company needs that data from each of your partners, but the problem is most companies rely solely on an enterprise-centric approach to solve a multi-enterprise problem.

The only way to overcome those limitations is to adopt a "network approach." Connecting all partners to shared processes, data and metrics managed within a single platform creates a single version of truth for all parties. This allows supply chains to eliminate the data silos and inherent latency in order to reduce the root causes of friction, variability and costs in today’s supply chains, both internally and externally.

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Topics: ERP, Manufacturing, Distribution, Rentals & Equipment, Supply Chain, Fashion & Apparel, Infor M3 ERP, Enterprise Software, Retail Supply Chain, WMS, Supply Chain Management

Streamlining Restaurant POS Menu Management

Posted by Harriet Schneider on Mar 11, 2022 8:26:40 AM

When every transaction counts more so than ever before in restaurants and food services, forward-thinking strategies around restaurant menu management have become more important than ever before. Central to that is how much leading organizations have risen to the occasion to streamline the way they manage they their offering and push the newest versions of menus to the point of sale, unified across locations and concepts.

Restaurants and managed food services rely on current data and the technology needed to find useful narratives about how to enhance performance and maximize returns, specifically at the menu item level. How does that work? What role does restaurant POS play in that process? Let’s take a look.

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Topics: ERP, Food & Beverage, Distribution, Supply Chain, Food Technology, CloudSuite Food & Beverage, Enterprise Software

Empowering Today & Differentiating Tomorrow: Supply Chain Best Practices

Posted by Harriet Schneider on Mar 10, 2022 8:22:31 AM

No vertical market appears to be immune to the hardships and challenges resulting from the unprecedented uncertainty and volatility of today’s geopolitical strife, climate disasters, and global pandemics. Which makes it even that much more challenging for organizations to try to meet consumer preferences and requirements that are always changing.

All of this uncertainty underscores the importance for organizations to focus on optimizing all facets of their supply chain costs—including cost-to-source, cost-to-procure, cost-to-manufacture, logistics, and handing. Supply chain optimization must also factor in the direct labor that drives supply chain activities in manufacturing, distribution, and retail. Total cost has never been more critical to understand and control—regardless of an organization’s industry or sector.

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Topics: Supply Chain, Supply Chain Visibility, Supply Chain Network, Retail Supply Chain, Supply Chain Management

Upgrading Your Warehouse To Be a Competitive Differentiator

Posted by Harriet Schneider on Mar 9, 2022 12:03:07 PM

Many wholesale distributors tend to view warehouse operations as a cost center due to labor, equipment, physical inventory, and real estate investments. However, with business models rapidly changing through e-commerce, omni-channel engagement, and innovative services, warehouse operations that are re-imagined through investments in technology can empower a company to gain a competitive advantage. Streamlining and automating processes across the warehouse improve customer and employee experiences and inspire customer loyalty.

A recent article featured in Forbes highlighted survey-based research on practice, priority, and expectation trends of warehouse executives. Respondents chose a warehouse management system (WMS) as their highest priority for technology investment with 96 percent of survey participants noting that the warehouse automation value proposition was expected to increase over the next 3 years. Survey findings indicated that operational changes like labor costs, labor shortages, and increased throughput requirements were all primary factors for companies looking to automation.

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Topics: ERP, Supply Chain, Warehouse Management Systems, Product Lifecycle Management, Infor M3 ERP, Enterprise Software, WMS, Supply Chain Management

Venturing Into New Markets: Food & Beverage Manufacturers Turn To M&A

Posted by Harriet Schneider on Mar 8, 2022 8:18:31 AM

Manufacturers in the food and beverage industry are increasingly turning to mergers and acquisitions to keep pace with consumer demands. In an era where speed is critical, many companies seem to find it to be faster and easier to form a partnership or make an acquisition, rather than invest in R&D or develop their own new products and brands from the ground-up.

The factors driving the trend

As economic recovery gains momentum and fuels a robust growth period in the food and beverage industry, expansion hungry manufacturers are eager to take advantage of new trends and the growing consumer obsession with the quality of the food they eat. Healthy snacks, plant proteins, clean labels, exotic taste experiences, neuro-nutrition, and socially mindful companies are all top-of-mind topics for today’s shoppers, especially millennials. Consumers now prioritize locally grown foods, sustainable farming, and organic and non-GMO foods, and are quite willing to read labels and research the origins of their meals, whether it be prepared in a four-star vegan restaurant or picked off the shelf of a corner convenience mart.

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Topics: ERP, Food & Beverage, Supply Chain, Food Technology, CloudSuite Food & Beverage, Infor M3 ERP, Enterprise Software, WMS, Supply Chain Management

Speeding Up Successful Product Innovation In Food And Beverage

Posted by Harriet Schneider on Mar 7, 2022 9:22:25 AM

Food and beverage manufacturers rely on their R&D and marketing departments to develop new product ideas that capture market share before the competition can catch up. These departments leverage information available in their business systems to help them analyze trends ranging from buying patterns to cost fluctuations. The trouble is, when R&D and marketing rely on business systems that exist in silos— as is often the case with today’s food and beverage manufacturers opportunities are missed, product development is too slow, and costs creep higher. But when a manufacturer understands that every part of the organization has a stake in the product innovation process, and ensures that all the parts are connected, the organization is better positioned to deliver successful, innovative products quickly.

This white paper discusses a number of considerations that food and beverage manufacturers should make when examining ways to accelerate product innovation. This paper also details how digital technology can be the enabler of this acceleration.

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Topics: ERP, Food & Beverage, Supply Chain, Food Technology, CloudSuite Food & Beverage, Infor M3 ERP, Enterprise Software, WMS, Supply Chain Management

Working Remotely, Whats the Future?

Posted by Harriet Schneider on Mar 4, 2022 7:26:01 AM

The first place most organizations will go for answers to the remote work dilemma is into the arms of technology vendors. They will make the assumption that a new tool, or the enhancement of a current one will be the key to maintaining a productive workforce despite the continued existence of physical distance. After all, Zoom (arguably the most infamous beneficiary of the pandemic) went from 10 million daily users in December 2019 to more than 300 million in April 2020. In reality, there are sequential steps to take well before any new technology is introduced to the equation.

The culture question

The first step is more introspective, as organizations would benefit from a candid evaluation of their culture that may or may not be a strong foundation for a remote work environment. A dispersed workforce presents unique challenges that will quickly test the foundation of trust between employee and employer. Ryan Malone, founder of digital marketing agency SmartBugMedia finds this counterintuitive. "You've invested all of this time in vetting them," says Malone. "Why would you now say I don't trust you, because I'm not staring at you?” Would your organization be able to quickly adapt to this new degree of independence and autonomy, or would there be a temptation to revert to surveillance tactics to validate effort?

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Topics: ERP, Fashion & Retail, Supply Chain, Fashion PLM, Cloudsuite Fashion & Apparel, Infor M3 ERP, Enterprise Software, WMS, Supply Chain Management

Improving Your Planning Capabilities To Enable Continuous Supply Chain

Posted by Harriet Schneider on Mar 3, 2022 9:00:47 AM

Fortunately, evaluations of the planning landscape reveal many organizations are adopting technologies that move towards a de-siloed, network-based approach to planning. For these companies, the primary goal centers around connecting planning capabilities to “a single version of the truth.” To optimize planning capabilities, it crucial to achieve this connection at the enterprise level as well as into the broader supply network.

But to do this involves using integrated business planning (IBP) or sales and operations planning (S&OP) to collaborate and analyze, perform demand planning to improve forecasting, optimize supply planning, and facilitate synchronization. Each of these areas are critical to a successful planning process and are more powerful when integrated and connected across a network.

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Topics: ERP, Supply Chain, Product Lifecycle Management, Infor M3 ERP, Enterprise Software, Supply Chain Management

12 Things To Make Remote Working Sustainable In The Long Run

Posted by Harriet Schneider on Feb 24, 2022 8:39:05 AM

I recently posted on LinkedIn to ask my colleagues for advice on how to manage my exploding workload. According to the latest Mental Health Index: U.S. Worker Edition from Total Brain, between November and December there was a 48% increase in the risk of depression—a risk level not seen since this past spring. Further, employees’ focus dropped 62%—a record low since the inception of the research in February 2020. While remote working has its benefits, most of us would argue that we need to make some significant changes for this style of working to be sustainable. Below are a few of the suggestions and ideas from professionals that commented on the post.

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Topics: ERP, Manufacturing, Food & Beverage, Distribution, Rentals & Equipment, Supply Chain, Fashion & Apparel, Infor M3 ERP, Enterprise Software, Retail Supply Chain, WMS, Supply Chain Management

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