ICCG Insights

Defining Networks In F&B And Why They Matter

Written by Harriet Schneider | Dec 12, 2017 1:00:00 PM

The Food and Beverage industry has had its ups and downs, hits and misses, close calls and grand slam hits out of the ball park. Erratic seems to be an appropriate qualifier, on good days. On the other days, chaotic and confusing may come to mind. How is a food processor able to cope with never-ending waves of change, evolving  restrictions, fluctuating market demands, and consumer fickleness?



Baby steps toward modernization

Food processors have often lacked the capital and IT expertise to invest in a whole-system overhaul. Rather than upgrading their ERP system, investing in a more engaging customer relationship management solution or moving to cloud deployment, they have focused on new products, capital investments and mergers and acquisitions, to try and drive growth and efficiency. In some cases, food processors have been content with a “wait and see” attitude, allowing early adopters to absorb the risk of early trials as best practices are defined and proven.

For some companies, small steps toward modernization have provided some stop-gap improvements and kept operations performing, complying, and continuing to eek out a profit. For small or mid-sized companies, that may have been sufficient.

Times are changing

The need for modernized systems is about to intensify, forcing food processors to invest in their future or risk obsolescence.

Read this Infor Blog to learn more.